The Duque de Lerma: the Most Notorious Scam Artist in the History of Spain

The Duque de Lerma sitting pretty atop his horse

Property speculation is a swindle as old as the notion of capitalism itself and, judging by the wave of evictions sweeping the city, not going out of style any time soon. But if you think the behaviour of the banks and investment funds these days is outrageous, then get a load of what went down …

The Duque de Lerma: the Most Notorious Scam Artist in the History of Spain Read More »

Retiro: a royal retreat turned public park

If you take a wander around Retiro on a Sunday afternoon, you’ll encounter people getting up to all sorts beneath the foliage, from spiritually-minded yogis contorting their bodies into ever more impossible shapes, to carnally-inclined lovers locking lips. But when the park was first opened to the public in 1868, such scenes would have scandalised. …

Retiro: a royal retreat turned public park Read More »

Colmenar de Oreja

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